This event is for anyone who is interested in learning more about healing yourself or others through working with horses.
Horses have exquisite abilities to communicate non-verbally, and they live completely in the present moment. A human who wants to “play” with a horse using Natural Horsemanship techniques must learn how to communicate with the horse using only emotions, visualization, intention, and body language, and they must do it while quieting their nagging inner voice—otherwise the horse will ignore them.
For many, the moment they first succeed at this becomes a spiritual event full of wonder and grace. They can then learn how to use this same state of congruence—when intention, emotions, mind, and heart are all in alignment—to navigate life’s daily challenges with greater ease and fulfillment.
During this workshop, you will learn how Equus Coaching teaches these skills to clients, and how this method can be used in conjunction with therapeutic approaches to help clients overcome blocks, obtain new perspectives, improve relationship skills, and learn mind-body integration techniques that improve mindfulness and presence.
Learn more about the Viva Center Holistic Practitioners Group